Demir (pik + çelik) dökümhanelerde refrakter : Seçim ve uygulama
- yapımcı: Karakoc
13/12/2009 @ 20:32
Demir (pik + çelik) dökümhanelerde refrakter : Seçim ve uygulama
REFERANS : FE F001 - TARIH : 19, 20 ve 21 Ocak - EGITIM YERI: Sézanne (51) FRANSA
Ergitme yöntemine göre, metal cinsine göre, metal sicakligina göre refrakter seçim paremetreleri belirlemeleri edtüdü. Dökümcü için önemli problem : Hangi refrakter seçmesi gerek ?
Son zamanlar, üreticiler, önemli teknik gelismelerle, dökümcülere daha kaliteli (ömür) ve uygulamasi kolay ürünler sunuyorlar.
Sunucularin ve katilimcilarin tecrübelerini ekleyerek, ekte konulara deyinecekler:
Degisikr refrakter grup özellikleri Termal sok'a ve korozyona dayanikliklari seçimlarini yönlendirecek kriterler Uygulama yöntemleri (malzemeler vs) Kontrol uygulamalari Bir bölüm, tasima ve uygulama pota astarlari ele alinacak.
Mühendisler, ergitme bölümü, metod, loboratuvar, yöneticilerve üretim teknikerleri
Introduite en Europe en 1962, cette technique de moulage est particulièrement bien adaptée aux pièces unitaires. Le polystyrène expansé est l'élément de base du modèle. Il est caractérisé par un faible coût et une mise en oeuvre très simple.Ce fascicule est un guide pratique établi par le CTIF et une commission de fondeurs. Il décrit de manière très détaillée les différentes étapes de la fabrication: préparation du modèle; utilisation des sables, des agglomérants et des enduits; dimensionnement des masselottes et des systèmes de coulée. Il rappelle également le risque de recarburation superficielle des pièces et propose des solutions pratiques. Une annexe jointe au document présente les photos d'une douzaine de pièces réalisées avec ce procédé qui se veut avant tout simple et économique.
Manyezyum metodu ile Sfero döküm üretimi
- yapımcı: webmaster 26/11/2009 @ 15:48
1940 senelerinde patenti alinmis sfero dökümü döküm sektörünü yeniledi .Bunun borcunu iki önemli faktöre borçlu, biri mekanik özellikleri yüksek olmasi ( piklere göre) ve temper dökümlere göre maliyeti düsük olmasindan. Bu kitapcik, dökümhanede analizin olusmasindan, sarjin ayarlamasindan , gerek isil islem yapilmasina kadar olan procesi tamamliyor.
Welcome to EUROGUSS 2010
- yapımcı: Karakoc
23/11/2009 @ 21:45
Welcome to EUROGUSS 2010
Uluslararasi Döküm fuari, teknolojileri, proses, ve ûrûnleri
8. International Trade Fair for Die Casting: Technology, Processes, Products
Foire international de Fonderie, technologie, preocess, et produit
- yapımcı: karakoc 24/10/2009 @ 22:54
Ductile iron is one of the most commonly used pipe materials in our modern society. The first ductile iron pipe was cast experimentally in 1948 and was introduced into the marketplace in 1955. By the late 1970's, ductile iron pipe had replaced gray cast iron pipe in the marketplace. Cast iron is an old principal pipe material that was used particularly for water and wastewater service in North America for the past 150 years. Today, ductile iron pipe is widely used in the transportation of raw and potable water, sewage, digester gas, slurries, and process chemicals.
Deterioration of underground pipes due to corrosion or mechanical failure is of increasing concern to users in both the private and the public sectors in North America and other countries.The primary concern relates to the increasingly large number of leaks that have occurred in potable water and sewage systems. The demand for privatization within the water industry to yield cost savings, as well as more aggressive pressures from governments to reduce wastage of resources, has meant that methods of preventing the rate of deterioration of buried pipes has become an important issue.
As the number of ductile and gray cast iron buried piping systems far exceeds the number of other types of water distribution systems, it would be expected that corrosion of both ductile and gray cast iron would have received major attention from engineers, municipals, water companies,
and pipe producers. It is interesting to note, therefore, that a notable lack of consistent opinion appearstoexistonissuessuchasfailuremechanisms,corrosionresistance, andoptimal
corrosion control methodologies for buried ductile and gray cast iron pipelines. Such controversies can be for example seen from the 1992 NACE International Report from its Task Group T-10A-21 on Corrosion Control of Ductile and Cast Iron Pipe
. The most obvious example of this lack of consensus is the relative service life expectancy of ductile and gray cast iron when exposed to underground conditions. A second controversy is that relating to the relative effectiveness of loose polyethylene encasement system, a corrosion control method that is widely used for ductile and gray cast iron pipe but rarely used as a corrosion prevention approach for pipes of other types of materials.
The present paper focuses on corrosion and protection of buried ductile iron pipe. External corrosion mechanisms and corrosion resistance of ductile iron pipe are reviewed. In addition to considering the relative merits of uncoated cast and ductile iron pipes, the value of corrosion control measures such as bituminous coatings, sacrificial metals, polyethylene encasement, tape wrapping, bonded coatings, cathodic protection, the impact on cathodic protection of electrical insulation at pipe joints, and the value of improvements in trenching methods are evaluated.